All wetland restoration projects must first identify a location on the landscape appropriate for the activity. Although each project is unique, certain basic criteria must be considered. These basic criteria are the premise upon which the targeting protocol has been developed. A simple appraisal system classifies an area as a potential, moderate, good, high, or excellent site for restoration.
ADVID_RSITES2.TAB is a frequency table showing the area of the five restoration categories.
ADVID_RSITES2.PAT: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME 1 AREA 8 18 F 5 9 PERIMETER 8 18 F 5 17 ADVID_RSITES2# 4 5 B - 21 ADVID_RSITES2-ID 4 5 B - 25 ID_NUMBER 4 8 B - 29 ATTRIBUTE 20 20 C - 49 WETLAND 2 2 C - 51 HYDRIC 1 1 C - 52 TOTALACRES 8 18 F 6 60 TRINSIDE 4 5 B - 64 LU 8 8 C - 72 ACRES 8 18 F 6 80 LUACRES 8 18 F 6 88 STREAM_CONNECT 2 2 C - 90 COINCIDENTA 2 2 C - 92 COINCIDENTP 2 2 C - 94 COINCIDENT 2 2 C - 96 ADJACENTWET 2 2 C - 98 CONNECT 2 2 C - 100 COINOUT 2 2 C - 102 ACRESUPLAND 8 18 F 6 110 STREAM_CONNECT2 2 2 C - 112 RESTORATION 10 10 C - 122 CONSERV_LANDS 2 2 C - 124 COUNTY1 20 20 C - 144 COUNTY2 20 20 C - 164 COUNTY3 20 20 C - 184 HU1 3 3 C - 187 HU2 3 3 C - 190 HU3 3 3 C - 193 HU4 3 3 C - 196 COUNTY4 20 20 C - 216 STREAM_CORRIDOR1 25 25 C - 241 STREAM_CORRIDOR2 25 25 C - 266 STREAM_CORRIDOR3 25 25 C - 291 STREAM_CORRIDOR4 25 25 C - 316 WETCODE1 5 5 C - 321 WETCODE2 5 5 C - 326 WETCODE3 5 5 C - 331 WETCODE4 5 5 C - 336 WETCODE5 5 5 C - 341 WETCODE6 5 5 C - 346 WETCODE7 5 5 C - ADVID_RSITES2.TAB: COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME 1 CASE# 4 5 B - 5 FREQUENCY 4 5 B - 9 RESTORATION 10 10 C - 19 AREA 8 18 F 6 27 ACRES 8 18 F 2
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