W&M > VIMS > CCRM > GIS Data & Maps > Shoreline Inventory > Delaware Inventory

State of Delaware

Digital Shoreline Inventory for Delaware Coastal Bays - Description and Disclaimer

Management of small watersheds within the larger Delaware Bay watershed is challenging. Availability of decision support tools that enhance coastal management at the local and state level is essential. The rational for a coastal inventory is to provide information to inform policy development and regulation of coastal resources. The Comprehensive Coastal Inventory Program (CCI) at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) has applied the same mapping and reporting techniques used in Virginia, Maryland, and portions of North Carolina.

The data inventory developed for the Shoreline Inventory is based on a three-tiered shoreline assessment approach. In most cases this assessment characterizes conditions that can be observed from a small boat navigating along the shoreline. Hand-held GPS units and GPS registered videography were used to collect data on conditions observed in the field. The three tiered shoreline assessment approach divides the shorezone into three regions: 1) the immediate riparian zone, evaluated for land use; 2) the bank, evaluated for height, stability, cover and natural protection; and 3) the shoreline, describing the presence of shoreline structures for shore protection and recreational use.

The Shoreline Inventory for Delaware Coastal Bays has occurred in a series of Phases beginning in 2005. Phase 1 was initiated with funding from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to develop a Tidal Wetlands Protocol which included data development for the Shoreline Inventory for the Indian River Watershed. In 2007 the Delaware Coastal Zone Management Program provided funds to target inland watersheds associated with three National Estuarine Research Reserve sites. Phase 3 expanded work to Rehoboth Bay with a grant through EPA Region III's Wetland Program Development, and collaboration with the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DENRC) and the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays (DCIB).

Phase 1. Indian River Watershed

Phase 2. Appoquinimink, Blackbird, and St. Jones Watersheds

Phase 3. Rehoboth Bay Watershed

Three GIS shape files are generated for each watershed. They are listed in the table below.



Structure (points)

Structures (lines)









Indian River




Rehoboth Bay




St. Jones




The xxx_lubc shape file contains features related to the land use in the riparian zone, and conditions at the bank. The xxx_sstru shape file includes information pertaining to structures for erosion control. Finally, xxx_astru identifies structures that are typically built for access and recreational activities at the shore. They can be downloaded from this site. A metadata file is provided to describe the data.

The metadata that accompanies the files defines attribute accuracy, data development, and any use restrictions that pertain to the data. When downloading data from this site, the users agree to all conditions outlined in the disclaimer below.

Shoreline inventories are published entirely in digital format. A text report includes an outline of methods used to collect, process and report the data. In Phase 1 maps were developed to illustrate the conditions recorded. In Phases 2 and 3 a more flexible Map Viewer was generated to allow the end user to customize and print maps. Tables are available for each watershed that quantifies data on a plate by plate basis (Phase 1) or by river systems (Phase 2 and 3).


Phase 1 of the Shoreline Inventory for Delaware Coastal Bays was funded through a grant from the Delaware Coastal Program with funding from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region III, Wetland Program Development Grant (EPA #CD-973494-01). This was a coordinated effort between VIMS and the DENRC. Thanks to Amy Jacobs and Andrew Howard of the Watershed Assessment Section for their contribution to the project.

Citation: O'Brien, D.L., Jacobs, A., Berman, M.R., Rudnicky, T., McLaughlin, E., Howard, A., 2007. Refinement and validation of a multi-level assessment method for Mid-Atlantic tidal wetlands. Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary. Final report: Wetland Program Development Grant (EPA #CD-973494-01), US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 3, Philadelphia, PA.

Phase 2 of the Shoreline Inventory for Delaware Coastal Bays was funded through a grant from the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under award number NA06NOS4190243. Special thanks to Amy Jacobs and Andrew Howard of the Watershed Assessment Section for their help with the project plan.

Citation: Berman, M.R., Berquist, H., Hershner, C.H., Killeen, S., Nunez, K., Rudnicky, T., Reay, K., and D. Weiss, 2008. Delaware Shoreline Inventory: Appoquinimink River, Blackbird Creek, St. Jones River, Comprehensive Coastal Inventory Program, Center for Coastal Resources Management Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, 23062.

Phase 3 of the Shoreline Inventory for Delaware Coastal Bays; Rehoboth Bay, Delaware, was provided by the DCIB through an agreement with the DNREC Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program and an EPA Region III Wetland Program Development grant under award CD-96316101. Special thanks to Alison Rogerson (DNREC) and Bart Wilson (DCIB) for their support and coordinated effort. Additional thanks to Andrew Howard (DNREC) for assistance with data, imagery, and file transfers. DNREC contact: please call Mark Biddle or Alison Rogerson at 302-739-9939.

Citation: Berman, M.R., Hershner, C.H., Angst, K., Killeen, S., Nunez, K., Rudnicky, T., Schatt, D., Stanhope, D., and D. Weiss, 2013. Delaware Shoreline Inventory: Rehoboth Bay, SRAMSOE #435, Comprehensive Coastal Inventory Program, Center for Coastal Resources Management Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, 23062.

This work was completed entirely with staff support and management from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science’s Center for Coastal Resources Management.


The Comprehensive Coastal Inventory Program (CCI) and the Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM) provides these data with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be correct or complete, and conclusions drawn from the data set are the sole responsibility of the user.

Every attempt has been made to ensure that these data and the documentation are reliable and accurate. Neither CCI, VIMS, NOAA, DNREC or the DCIB assume liability for any damages caused by inaccuracies in the data or documentation, or as a result of failure of the data to perform in a particular manner. CCI, VIMS, NOAA, DNREC or DCIB make no warranty,express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, or utility of this information, nor does the fact of distribution constitute a warranty.

Individuals who download these data agree to the following, and understand the limitations defined:

Integration of these data into other products requires proper citation.

Use of these data in map publications, either digital or hardcopy, requires proper citation, and inclusion of the CCRM logo (see CCRM logo).

CCI/CCRM is not responsible for misuse of these data.

CCI/CCRM does not oversee or assume responsibility for alterations to this product by users.

CCI may not address specific questions from users who received the data through another party.

Distribution of these data is not restricted. CCI, however, recommends metadata file(s) always remain with the data.

CCI encourages noticeable errors be reported to CCI contact person identified in the metadata file.

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CCRM logo


NOAA logo

Users may choose items for a particular watershed location using the tables below.

Appoquinimink River

Maps Tables Report Metadata GIS Data

Blackbird Creek

Maps Tables Report Metadata GIS Data

Indian River

Map Viewer Tables Report Metadata GIS Data

Rehoboth Bay

Map Viewer Tables Report Metadata GIS Data

St. Jones River

Maps Tables Report Metadata GIS Data